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Privacy Policy

Assisted Living Management Solutions recognizes that your privacy is very important, and we take it seriously. This Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) describes our policies and procedures on the collection, use, disclosure, and sharing of your personal information when you use the Assisted Living Management Solutions website.


This Privacy Policy applies to activities by Assisted Living Management Solutions, Inc. and its affiliates and subsidiaries (collectively “Assisted Living Management Solutions,” “we” or “us”). Capitalized terms that are not defined in this Privacy Policy have the meaning given to them in our Terms of Service.


The Information We Collect

We collect information directly from individuals, from third parties, and automatically through the Assisted Living Management Solutions website.

Account and Profile Information: When you create an account and profile on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website, we collect your name, contact information, demographic information, and other information you provide, such as topics that you know about or find interesting. Your name, photo, and any other information that you choose to add to your public-facing profile will be available for viewing by the public and other users of the Assisted Living Management Solutions website. Once you create a profile, others will be able to see in your profile certain information about your activity on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website, such as the questions and answers you post, your followers and who you follow, topics of interest to you, the information you list as credentials, and your edits to your content. 


Your Content: We collect the information and content that you post to the Assisted Living Management Solutions website, including your questions, answers, photos, and comments. Unless you have posted certain content anonymously, your content, date and time stamps, and all associated comments are publicly viewable on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website, along with your name. This also may be indexed by search engines and be republished elsewhere on the Internet in accordance with our Terms of Service. 


Communications. When you communicate with us (via email, through the Assisted Living Management Solutions website, or otherwise), we may maintain a record of your communication.


Automatically Collected Information About Your Activity. We use cookies, log files, pixel tags, local storage objects, and other tracking technologies to automatically collect information about your activities, such as your searches, page views, date and time of your visit, and other information about your use of the Assisted Living Management Solutions website. We also collect information that your computer or mobile device provides to us in connection with your use of the Assisted Living Management Solutions website such as your browser type, type of computer or mobile device, browser language, IP address, mobile carrier, unique device identifier, location, and requested and referring URLs. We also receive information when you view content on or otherwise interact with the Assisted Living Management Solutions website, even if you have not created an account. For more information, see the “Cookies, Pixels and Tracking” section below.

Engagement. We collect browsing information – such as IP address and location, date and time stamp, user agent, Assisted Living Management Solutions cookie ID (if applicable), URL, unique advertising or content identifiers (if applicable) and time zone, and other information about user activities on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website, as well as on third-party sites and services that have embedded our Assisted Living Management Solutions pixels (“Pixels”), widgets, plug-ins, buttons, or related services. See the section below about Assisted Living Management Solutions Ads and Personalization for more detailed information about how our Pixels may be used by publishers or users of our advertising services (“Ad Services”) on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website to enable personalization, as well as your choices related to advertising and personalization. We may also receive information about you from third parties, such as other users, partners (including ad partners), or our affiliated companies.


How We Use Your Information

We do not sell your personal information – such as your name and contact information – to third parties to use for their own marketing purposes. Assisted Living Management Solutions uses the information we collect for the following purposes:

  • Provide our Services. To provide you the services we offer on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website and make the Assisted Living Management Solutions website available to the public, communicate with you about your use of the Assisted Living Management Solutions website, respond to your inquiries, provide troubleshooting, and for other customer service purposes.

  • Personalization. To tailor the content and information that we may send or display to you in the Assisted Living Management Solutions website, to suggest followers and content, to help others find your profile, to offer location customization, and personalized help and instructions, and to otherwise personalize your experiences while using the Assisted Living Management Solutions website.

  • Advertising. To display interest-based advertising to you in the Assisted Living Management Solutions website, to improve our advertising and measurement systems so we can show you relevant ads, to pre-fill forms in ads, and to measure the effectiveness and reach of ads and services. For more information, see the Ad Services section below about Assisted Living Management Solutions Ads and Personalization.

  • Marketing and Promotions. For marketing and promotional purposes, such as to send you news and newsletters, special offers, and promotions, or to otherwise contact you about products or information we think may interest you, including information about third-party products and services.

  • Analytics. To gather metrics to better understand how users access and use the Assisted Living Management Solutions website; to evaluate and improve the Assisted Living Management Solutions website, including the Ad Services and personalization, and to develop new products and services.

  • Comply with Law. To comply with legal obligations, as part of our general business operations, and for other business administration purposes.

  • Prevent Misuse. Where we believe necessary to investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud, situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person or violations of our Terms of Service or this Privacy Policy.


How We Share Your Information

We share information as set forth below, and where individuals have otherwise consented:


Service Providers. We may share your information with third-party service providers who use this information to perform services for us, such as payment processors, hosting providers, auditors, advisors, consultants, customer service and support providers, as well as those who assist us in providing the Ad Services.


Affiliates. The information collected about you may be accessed by or shared with subsidiaries and affiliates of Assisted Living Management Solutions, Inc., whose use and disclosure of your personal information is subject to this Privacy Policy.


Business Transfers. We may disclose or transfer information, including personal information, as part of any merger, sale, and transfer of our assets, acquisition or restructuring of all or part of our business, bankruptcy, or similar event.


Legally Required. We may disclose your information if we are required to do so by law.

Protection of Rights. We may disclose information where we believe it necessary to respond to claims asserted against us or, comply with legal process (e.g., subpoenas or warrants), enforce or administer our agreements and terms, for fraud prevention, risk assessment, investigation, and protect the rights, property or safety of Assisted Living Management Solutions, its users, or others.


Your Content and Public Information. Your content, including your name, profile picture, profile information, and certain associated activity information is available to other users of the Assisted Living Management Solutions website and may also be viewed publicly. Public viewing includes availability to non-registered visitors and can occur when users share your content across other sites or services. In addition, your content may be indexed by search engines. In some cases, we may charge for access to your content and public information on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website. 


Metrics. We may share with our advertisers or publishers aggregate statistics, metrics and other reports about the performance of their ads or content in the Assisted Living Management Solutions website such as the number of unique user views, demographics about the users who saw their ads or content, conversion rates, and date and time information. We do not share IP addresses or personal information, but certain features may allow you to share your personal information with advertisers on our website if you choose to do so. We may also allow our advertisers or publishers to use Pixels on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website in order to collect information about the performance of their ads or content.


Anonymized and Aggregated Data. We may share aggregated or de-identified information with third parties for research, marketing, analytics and other purposes, provided such information does not identify a particular individual.


As Directed by You. We may also share data as otherwise directed by you (for example, to fulfill a transaction).


Cookies, Pixels and Tracking

We and our third-party providers use cookies, clear GIFs/pixel tags, JavaScript, local storage, log files, and other mechanisms to automatically collect and record information about your usage and browsing activities on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website and across third-party sites or online services. We may combine this information with other information we collect about users. Below, we provide a brief summary of these activities. For more detailed information about these mechanisms and how we collect activity information, see our Cookie Policy.

  • Cookies. These are small files with a unique identifier that are transferred to your browser through our websites. They allow us to remember users who are logged in, to understand how users navigate through and use the Assisted Living Management Solutions website, and to display personalized content and targeted ads (including on third-party sites and applications).

  • Pixels, web beacons, clear GIFs. These are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, which we use to track the online movements of users of the Assisted Living Management Solutions website and the web pages of users of our Ad Services, and to personalize content. We also use these in our emails to let us know when they have been opened or forwarded, so we can gauge the effectiveness of our communications.

  • Analytics Tools. We may use internal and third-party analytics tools, including Google Analytics. The third-party analytics companies we work with may combine the information collected with other information they have independently collected from other websites and/or other online products and services. Their collection and use of information is subject to their own privacy policies.


Do-Not-Track Signals. Please note we do not change system behavior within the Assisted Living Management Solutions website in response to browser requests not to be tracked. You may, however, disable certain tracking by third parties as discussed in the Assisted Living Management Solutions Ads and Personalization section below. You may also opt out of tracking by Assisted Living Management Solutions Pixels, as described below in Assisted Living Management Solutions Ads and Personalization.


Assisted Living Management Solutions Ads and Personalization

We may display personalized content (including from third-party content publishers) and personalized ads (including sponsored content), based on information that we have collected via the Assisted Living Management Solutions website, and through our Pixels, widgets, and buttons embedded on third-party sites. We also may report aggregated or de-identified information about the number of users that saw a particular ad or content and related audience engagement information to users of our Ad Services and to publishers of content on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website. See the Your Choices section below for information about opting out of tracking by our Pixels.

Advertisers who use our Ad Services may also provide us with information as part of their ad campaigns, including customer information (e.g., email addresses, phone numbers, or other contact information, demographic or interest data) in order to create custom audiences for personalizing their ad campaigns or for measuring the effectiveness of their ads; we only use this information to facilitate the particular advertiser’s campaign (including ad metrics and reporting to that advertiser); and we do not disclose this information to third parties (other than our service providers) unless required by law. We also do not disclose to the advertisers who use our Ad Services the names or contact information of their customers that were successfully reached as part of such campaigns without those customers’ consent.


Third-Party Ads on Assisted Living Management Solutions

As described in our Cookie Policy, we may also work with third parties such as network advertisers to serve ads on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website and on third-party websites or other media (e.g., social networking websites), such as Google AdSense. These third parties may use cookies, JavaScript, web beacons (including clear GIFs), Flash LSOs and other tracking technologies to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content to you.

In addition to opting out of tracking across sites by our Pixels (see Your Choices section below), you also may opt out of much interest-based advertising on third-party sites and through third-party ad networks (including Facebook Audience Network and Google AdSense). See Your Choices section below for more information about opting out of third-party ad networks.


How We Protect Your Information

The security of your information is important to us. Assisted Living Management Solutions has implemented safeguards to protect the information we collect. However, no website or Internet transmission is completely secure. We urge you to take steps to keep your personal information safe, such as choosing a strong password and keeping it private, as well as logging out of your user account, and closing your web browser when finished using the Assisted Living Management Solutions website on a shared or unsecured device.


Access and Amend Your Information

You may update or correct your account information at any time by logging in to your account. You may also make a number of other adjustments to settings or the display of information about you as described in more detail in the following section about Your Choices.


Your Choices

You may, of course, decline to submit information through the Assisted Living Management Solutions website, in which case we may not be able to provide certain services to you. You may also control the types of notifications and communications we send, limit the information shared within the Assisted Living Management Solutions website about you, and otherwise amend certain privacy settings. Here is some further information about some of your choices:


Anonymous Posts. You may post certain content anonymously, including questions and answers. In such event, your name is not displayed along with the content, and Assisted Living Management Solutions does not associate such content with your user ID and other profile data.


Your Content. You may edit or delete the answers that you post at any time. Any questions you have posted may remain on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website and be edited by other users. Any deleted content will be removed from third-party sites from which it has been shared via Assisted Living Management Solutions’s standard sharing features; however we have no control over deletions or changes to your content if it has been shared manually by others. When you make edits to your content, other users will be able to see the history of those edits in your profile activity and on content edit logs.


Emails and Notifications. When you join the Assisted Living Management Solutions website by signing up for an account or creating a profile, as part of the service, you will receive email digests containing content from the Assisted Living Management Solutions website that we believe may match your interests. You may also receive notices about other content from the Assisted Living Management Solutions website that may be of interest to you, such as Spaces that you follow or that match your interests. In addition, users may be able to send communications and invite to their imported contacts through their Assisted Living Management Solutions account, by email, text, or phone. You can manage all your email and notice preferences in your account profile settings, under your Emails and Notifications settings. If you opt-out of receiving emails or other notifications about recommendations or other information we think may interest you, we may still send you transactional emails about your account or any services you have requested or received from us. Third parties may comment on your postings on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website. In your profile, under your Privacy Settings, you can adjust whether to allow people to comment on your answers and posts. You can also adjust permissions about whom you allow to send you messages on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website.

Followers. You can block the ability of another Assisted Living Management Solutions user to follow you by selecting the setting for this in the other user’s profile. You can change whether or not you follow other users.


Profile discoverability. You can adjust your settings to block others from discovering your account by searching for your name or using your contact information, including when another user imports their contacts from a third-party service.

Topics and Spaces. You can change topics and Spaces that you are affiliated within your profile.


Credentials. You can change your credentials that are displayed in your profile or in connection with a specific answer.


Indexed Search. In your privacy settings, you can control whether your profile and name is indexed by search engines. Changes to privacy settings may only apply on a going-forward basis; for example, your name (e.g., answers and profile) that has already been indexed by search engines may remain indexed for a period of time even after you have turned off indexing, as implementing this change is outside of our control.

Deleted or Deactivated Account. If you choose “Delete Account” in your profile’s “Privacy Settings,” then all of your content will be removed from public visibility on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website, and it may not be restored by us, even if you change your mind. If you choose “Deactivate Account,” then you will no longer receive any communications from us, and users will not be able to interact with you; however your content will remain on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website. Once you deactivate your account, you can reactivate it any time by choosing to log in.

Pixels. Opting out of Pixels tracking may impact our ability to personalize ads and content tailored to your interests. This setting is tied to your cookies, and, unless you are logged in to the Assisted Living Management Solutions website, will only be effective on the browser for which you have performed the opt-out.


Third-Party Ad Networks

For information about and to opt-out of interest-based ads from many ad networks, go to:

Assisted Living Management Solutions is headquartered in the United States and has operations, entities, and service providers in the United States and throughout the world. As such, we and our service providers may transfer your personal information to, or access it in, jurisdictions (including the United States) that may not provide equivalent levels of data protection as your home jurisdiction. We will take steps to ensure that your personal information receives an adequate level of protection in the jurisdictions in which we process it.


Children’s Privacy

We do not knowingly collect or solicit personal information from anyone under the age of 13 or knowingly allow such persons to register. If we become aware that we have collected personal information from a child under the relevant age without parental consent, we take steps to delete that information.


Links to Other Websites

The Assisted Living Management Solutions website may contain links to third-party sites or online services. We are not responsible for the practices of such third parties, whose information practices are subject to their own policies and procedures, not to this Privacy Policy.


Additional Information for California Residents

This section provides information organized in accordance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (“CCPA”) for residents of California about how we handle certain personal information we have collected over the past 12 months.

Categories of Personal Information. This Privacy Policy discloses the categories of personal information that we collect, use, and disclose in order to operate our business over the past 12 months.

  • Collect. The section above entitled The Information We Collect discloses the categories of personal information that we collect, which include your account and profile information, your content, your communications with us, the information you provide from linked networks, information about your activity on Assisted Living Management Solutions, and how you engage with our Assisted Living Management Solutions.

  • Use. The section above entitled How We Use Your Information discloses the that the categories of personal information we collect are used to provide our services, for personalization, to provide advertising in order to generate income to operate Assisted Living Management Solutions, to promote our services to you, to analyze how our services are used, to comply with law, and to prevent misuse of Assisted Living Management Solutions.

  • Disclose. The section above entitled How We Share Your Information discloses that we share your personal information with, service providers, affiliates, law enforcement authorities, and as needed with third parties to provide our services.


We do not sell your personal information to third parties. Assisted Living Management Solutions may share your personal information with third parties and third parties may collect your personal information as described above in the How We Share Your Information section. In addition, as described in our Cookie Policy, we may also work with third parties such as network advertisers to serve ads on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website and on third-party websites or other media (e.g., social networking websites), such as Google AdSense. These third parties may use cookies, JavaScript, web beacons (including clear GIFs), Flash LSOs and other tracking technologies to measure the effectiveness of their ads and to personalize advertising content to you.

We do not collect personal information from consumers that we know are younger than 16 years old.


Requests for Deletion, Copy, and Right to Know Your Information. California consumers have the right to make the following requests, which we endeavor to honor from non-California residents as well:

  • Deletion. You have the right to request the deletion of personal information that we have collected about you.

  • Copy and Right to Know. You have the right to request a copy of the specific pieces of personal information that we have collected about you over the past 12 months, including the categories of information, sources, and purposes of collection, as well as categories of third parties we have shared it with.

  • Designated Agent. You may designate an agent to make a request on your behalf. That agent must have access to your account in order for us to verify the request.

You may submit deletion, copy, and right to know requests through the online form here. You can also submit a deletion, copy, and right to know request by emailing us at You will need access to the email account associated with your Assisted Living Management Solutions account in order to verify your identity and complete this process.


Non-Discrimination. Assisted Living Management Solutions will not discriminate against you, including by denying or providing a different level or quality of goods or services should you choose to exercise your options under the CCPA.


Changes to Our Privacy Policy

If we change our privacy policies and procedures, we will post those changes on this page. If we make any changes to this Privacy Policy that materially change how we treat your personal information, we will endeavor to provide you with reasonable notice of such changes, such as via prominent notice on the Assisted Living Management Solutions website or to your email address of record, and where required by law, we will obtain your consent or give you the opportunity to opt out of such changes.

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